Grok your data
The objective of bioSyntax is to bring you closer to your data, giving you an intuitive & empathetic understanding of biology. To appreciate all that bioSyntax has to offer read this short manual (~10 minutes) and go explore.
- Getting Started
- Reading Data
- Supported File Formats
- Support
- Collaborating on bioSyntax
- See also: bioSyntax Manuscript
Getting Started
See: Installing bioSyntax
bioSyntax integreates seamlessly with vim (Linux / Mac / Win), sublime (Linux / Mac / Win), gedit (Linux / Win), & less (Linux / Mac). After installing bioSyntax files will automatically detected by file-extension.
Reading large-data
For very large data sets, it’s often slow to open them in a text editor. It’s best to use the command-line program less which will read your file from a data-stream.
Read your large-data set with less directly
# If your file is uncompressed, it can be read directly.
# less will recognize the file extension (.XYZ)
cd ~/myData/
less dbSNP107_common.vcf
less hg19.fa
Streaming your data directly into less with pipes |
# If your file is compressed, you can 'pipe' the data
# using the "|" operator from decompression, directly into
# less. You must prefix the file extension you want
# as file formats are not recognized within streams.
cd ~/myCompressedData/
samtools view -h NA12878_hg38.bam | sam-less
gzip -dc dbSNP107_rare.vcf.gz | vcf-less
gzip -dc hg38.fa.gz | fa-less
Bypassing bioSyntax (data in plain-text)
For vim
Type :syntax off
in vim
For less
# You may want to view your data without syntax highlighting
# such as where a file is improperly formatted or very large
# files where syntax highlighting may be slow (i.e. VCF files
# with hundreds of columns).
# 1. Pipe your data through cat
cat snp_1000genomes.vcf | less -
# 2. Within less, switch to a visual editor
less snp_1000genomes.vcf
# press 'CTRL-C' to stop process
# press 'v' to switch to visual editor
Reading Data
bioSyntax implements a novel, full IUPAC Nucleotide Code coloring. Ambiguous bases are represented by an ~additive color-mixing of the parent bases. For example, Thymine (blue) + Cytosine (red) are both pYrimidines (magenta).

An intuitive feature of the bioSyntax color scheme is that the ‘GC-content’ of a sequence can be quickly approximated by how warm (high GC, red-orange) or cool (low GC, blue-green) a sequence looks.
vim myc_gcContent.fa

PHRED Scores
When available, bioSyntax will highlight PHRED quality scores in a step-gradient of blacks (PHRED = 0-10) to whites (PHRED = 40+).

CIGAR Strings
In .sam
files the Query:Reference alignment is summarized efficiently but illegibly as a CIGAR String. With a little bit of highlighting these become much easier to read.

Amino Acid Color Schemes
You can choose from several color-schemes for amino-acid fasta files. The Fasta Clustal
(Default) syntax colors amino acids based on their physiochemical properties, so does Fasta Hydrophobicity
, or you may prefer better discrimination of each amino acids with Fasta Zappo
or Fasta Taylor
Supported File Formats
File format and software compatibility matrix for bioSyntax.
status | |
X | Syntax Complete |
o | In Development |
- | Unavailable |
Core bioSyntax
File Format | Description | sublime | vim | gedit | less |
.fasta | Generic nt/aa sequence | X | X | X | X |
.fastq | Fasta + PHRED quality | X | X | X | X |
.clustal | Multiple Sequence Alignment | X | X | X | X |
.bed | Genomic Ranges | X | X | X | X |
.gtf | Genomic Annotation | X | X | X | X |
.pdb | Protein Structure | X | X | X | X |
.vcf | Variant Call Format | X | X | X | X |
.sam | NGS Sequence Data | X | X | X | X |
Auxillary Syntaxes
File Format | Description | sublime | vim | gedit | less |
.fasta | fasta alternative AA colors | ||||
- | Clustal | X | - | X | - |
- | Taylor | X | - | X | - |
- | Zappo | X | - | X | - |
- | Hydrophobicity | X | - | X | - |
.fai | Fasta Index (faidx) | X | X | X | X |
.flagstat | samtools flag summary | X | X | X | X |
.cwl | Common Workflow Language | X | X | X | - |
.wig | Wiggle data | - | - | X | - |
.nexus | Phylogenetics data | - | X | - | - |
.pml | Pymol Script Language | X | X | - | - |
See Also: Alternative/User Syntax Definitions
These syntaxes are not part of the unified bioSyntax suite but often serve specialized functions.
Science Syntaxes
File Format | Description | sublime | vim | gedit | less |
.gaussian | Gaussian File (chemistry) | - | X | - | - |
If you’d like to add support for another file-format; check the development page to get started.
Report a bug / Ask a question
The fastest way to get an answer is to:
1) Search / Open an issue on the bioSyntax Repo.
Please Include:
- A detailed and descriptive title.
- Enough information about what did for someone else to replicate the problem.
- Information about the operating system / software you’re using (
uname -a
) - If it’s a syntax highlighting issue: a screenshot of the error and a small bit of the input file you used.
2) If you really don’t want to make a (fake) github account. Email [email protected] and we’ll open the issue, but it will be slower.
Uninstallation Instructions
Collaborating on bioSyntax
bioSyntax is a community-oriented project for scientific syntax highlighting. We encourage you to change and customize it to suit your needs.
Check out the Development page to create syntax-highlighting for custom file-formats and for other ways to help out.